You told us you wanted…
- Genuinely affordable homes
- More social housing available to rent including co-operative housing
- Homes built to meet local demand
- Innovative design that is low cost, low impact and low rise
Environment and green space
- More communal outdoor spaces
- Community gardens and food growing space such as allotments
- Green space and blue space including water ways
- Space for wildlife and natural habitats
Local Business and employment
- Affordable space for local businesses
- Live/work space
- Useful retail and businesses such as ironmongers, DIY stores and food shops.
- Access to training opportunities
Health and Wellbeing
- Affordable access to wellbeing centres that could be used by everyone
- To use space to keep the community healthy and active
- Access for all to welfare provisions, WC, drinking fountains, etc
Community provision
- Opportunities for learning and socialising
- Community facilities that could be used by everyone including community kitchens, gardens and wellbeing centres
- Youth facilities
Moving around your area
- Less cars moving through your neighbourhood
- Increased pedestrian only areas
- Safe cycle routes and plenty of easy to use and secure bicycle parking